End of Year Revamp Ideas

This time of year my brain often thinks ahead to how I want to do things differently next year. To be honest, maybe the truth is that at this time of year, I’m getting annoyed by things that aren’t going as well as I think they should.

When I get back from summer, I often forget to change some of those things that I know I could be doing better until I am in the middle of it – and then I am so disappointed that I’ve made the same mistake again!
It’s easy to take the perspective of “let’s just make it through” these last few days, but really, then what will be better by this time next school year?
I came across this awesome post by Caitlin Tucker in which she gives an example of her End-of-Year Revamp list that she uses to reflect and jot down ideas for next school year.

I loved this idea! Instead of being annoyed with procedures that aren’t working or forgetting that new strategy I want to learn more about this summer, this template provides an easy place to capture reflections and set ourselves up for an improved year next year!
I immediately downloaded a copy of Caitlin’s template and started thinking of how I could tweak it for my teachers and for myself as an administrator.
Here are the templates I came up with for teachers and administrators:
I suggest you take a few moments to quickly reflect on each of the points in the Revamp Ideas document and then keep it open on your computer daily for the remainder of the school year. This way, any time you see something amazing in a teammate’s classroom, get frustrated by a procedure that could go better, or just have a light bulb moment, you can jot that idea down quickly to reference as you get ready for next school year!
Here’s the link to Caitlin Tucker’s post about her Revamp List where I got the idea.
Feel free to make a copy using the links in this post and update/change/add to it to make it beneficial for you and your reflection process!
Use these last days of school to think ahead toward making next school year even better!

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